16 Paintings and 4 Drawings

Gouache, Acrylic, Natural Inks, Graphite

The result of a four-week collaboration between Melinda and Joseph Ostraff at an artist residency with the Ballinglen Arts Foundation located in Ballycastle, Co Mayo, Ireland.

Participation in this residency provided us an opportunity to put into motion a process of going somewhere, living there for an extended period, paying attention to our surroundings, and considering the pliability of converting circumstances into art. Ireland provided much to consider. Ever-changing qualities of weather and light on land and sea, layers and systems of human endeavor and history, and good conversations, all have found their way into these paintings.

It was the common ground of this shared experience that initiated a more personal conversation between the two of us. At times the exchange left us off balance as we navigated place and each other’s marks. That unsure space and the results have ended up meaning a great deal to us as we explore new avenues of collaboration.